Christopher Murphy · 14 June, 2020

Summary: Here are a dozen ideas to get you started with social media. This is a work-in-progress, provided for my Orbit programme learners. If you'd like to know more about Orbit, ot my mentoring, drop me a line: [email protected]


These are workshop notes, designed as a beginners’ guide to content marketing – particularly social media – to promote your business. For details on signing up for this workshop, which I run ~quarterly, please get in touch.

Research, Research, Research

Before you do anything, spend some time looking at others and identifying what they do and what works. Unless you’re completely disconnected from social media, you’re likely to have noticed some individuals who use, e.g., Instagram or Twitter effectively.

Scroll back through their timelines and make a note of what works (and what doesn’t). Like any successful project, a considered social media strategy starts with research. Don’t bypass this phase.

Case Study: The School of Design

Here’s our list for @theschoolofx. I spent approximately a fortnight putting this together and analysing different posts so I could see what worked and what didn’t.

Once our Adobe XD file is converted to a shareable Figma file, I'll share the templates we created. In our research, we looked at different types of posts: quotations; lessons learned; celebrating wins (large and small achievements); process posts…

Establish a Content Strategy

With some research under your belt, it’s time to create a content strategy to ensure your efforts are aligned towards a single goal.