I wrote everything below in 2017. Why, oh why, didn't i just publish it?

For 2017, one of the things I want to focus on is creating valuable content for The Journal that is my content. My focus, in 2016, was linking to others’ content. This needs to change in 2017.

I’d like to focus on less social content (perhaps cutting down on Twitter?) and refocus my efforts on more self-generated content for The Journal.

Each post needs to be a five minute read, maximum. Cross post on:

Here are some ideas. These are very rough!

If you want something, make something…

Talk is cheap, action is harder. Shit or get off the pot. If you want something, make something.

The real value lies in execution. Having great ideas is only a small part of the equation, realising those ideas is what really matters.

This is worth referring to:


One of the perils of living in an X Factor culture is the belief that you’ll be plucked from obscurity. The reality is that being plucked from obscurity and propelled to fame happens rarely, if at all. Fame requires hard work, there’s no substitute for that.

Don’t allow yourself to be lost in the stream at the expense of making things that really matter.

The people who make a difference are the people who have executed. Doers, not talkers.